Covid-19 updates 10/12/22


Covid-19 updates 10/12/22

We have received notification that we have a staff test positive for COVID. Our facility is in outbreak status. We continue to follow all IDPH, CDC, CMS and local health department recommendations for testing and infection control.

Covid-19 updates 10/5/22

We have received notification that we have a personnel test positive for COVID. Our facility is in outbreak status. We continue to follow all IDPH, CDC, CMS and local health department recommendations for testing and infection control.

Covid-19 Updates 8/31/22

We have received notification that we have a staff member positive for COVID. Our facility is in outbreak status. We continue to follow all IDPH, CDC, CMS and local health department recommendations for testing and infection control.

Covid-19 updates 8/2/22

We have received notification that we have a staff member positive for COVID. Our facility is in outbreak status. We continue to follow all IDPH, CDC, CMS and local health department recommendations for testing and infection control.

Covid-19 updates: 7/23/22

We have received notification that we have staff members positive for COVID. Our facility is in outbreak status. We continue to follow all IDPH, CDC, CMS and local health department recommendations for testing and infection control.

Covid-19 updates: 7/22/22

We have received notification that we have a staff member positive for COVID. Our facility is in outbreak status. We continue to follow all IDPH, CDC, CMS and local health department recommendations for testing and infection control.

COVID Updates: 7/20/2022

Our facility remains in outbreak status. We have received confirmation that we had another resident test positive for COVID, the resident is in isolation on the COVID unit.

Covid-19 updates:7/18/22

We have received notification that we have 8 staff members and 21 residents positive for COVID. Our facility is back in outbreak status. We continue to follow all IDPH, CDC, CMS and local health department recommendations for testing and infection control.

Covid-19 updates: 7/17/22

We have received notification that we have 8 staff members and 19 residents positive for COVID. Our facility is back in outbreak status. We continue to follow all IDPH, CDC, CMS and local health department recommendations for testing and infection control.

Covid-19 updates: 7/15/22

We have received notification that we have 7 staff members and 19 residents positive for COVID. Our facility is back in outbreak status. We continue to follow all IDPH, CDC, CMS and local health department recommendations for testing and infection control.